My name is Jenny Rea and I am a mom of a 16-year old daughter and a 10-year old son. I have a cleaning company called J. Rea’s Cleaning. It all started with Kristen Kennen, which is a very good friend of mine. We’ve been friends since we were about 10 years old. She immediately nominated me and got a hold of my sister’s Facebook. They created a private Facebook page that I didn’t know about and ended up having over 30 nominations. I’m beyond blessed.
This is something I’ve been wanting since I was 14 so I’m just very grateful. I actually talked to a friend yesterday and she was like, “She looks so happy. Wait a minute, it’s her teeth because I see her smiling all the time!” and I thought “You’re right, because I never used to really smile.” The doctors and the staff are absolutely amazing. I’m actually close friends with them now. I worked with Brittany(sp?) a lot and we’re like almost close BFF’s now. When I come in she starts my massage chair, she gives me a blanket, and she just knows me. Doctor Pollard – she was amazing. She really built you self esteem up. She would come in and just be in awe. Even in the beginning, she was so positive. She would say “Oh my gosh, you’re going to look amazing!” or “Oh my gosh, you’re going to love your teeth.” It’s just more on a personal level than anything. I have never been treated the way they treat you here. It’s absolutely amazing.
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