- Bite on your gauze for 30 minutes to stop any bleeding. If bleeding continues, place another gauze and continue to apply pressure.
- For at lease 24 hours DO NOT: Smoke, drink through a straw, drink alcohol, carbonated beverages (such as soda or pop), or hot liquids, blow your nose, participate in strenuous exercise, or spit excessively. Maintain a soft diet for the remainder of the day.
- Food suggestions: warm soup, ice cream, milk shakes (remember no straw), etc.
- If your pain or discomfort continues call our office for a re-examination.
- If you were given medications, take them according to the instructions. The following day start rinsing gently with warm salt water (1/4 teaspoon of salt to 1 cup of water) for every four hours for the first two days.
Temporary Crown
Temporary crowns are designed to last 3-4 weeks while the permanent crowns are being customized to your tooth. The temporary protects the tooth underneath and maintains the space necessary for the perfect fit of your permanent crown. That is why we want the temporary to stay intact and on the tooth.
- Temporary crowns are usually quite fragile, unlike your permanent crown, and can break if put under the stress of eating hard or sticky foods such as candy, chips, etc. Please avoid the chewing of these foods on the temporary crown.
- If your temporary crown comes off, rinse it off and push it back on. If it does not stay in place call our office.
- It is common for a tooth to be sensitive if the temporary crown comes off. The anesthetic used may affect your bite. If you are hitting this tooth first or harder than other teeth when biting down, contact our office for an adjustment. A high bite can lead to pain and sensitivity.
- You may brush regularly around the temporary crown but when flossing pull the floss straight down between the teeth then pull it straight out. Do not pull the floss back up as you normally would as this can pull the temporary off.
Periodontal Disease Treatment
You may experience tenderness of your gums following this treatment. If you experience pain or discomfort you may take an over the counter non-aspirin pain medication. If this does not alleviate your pain please call our office. You may also rinse with warm salt water.
- Please avoid hard, crunchy, and spicy foods until the tenderness goes away.
- Brush your teeth at least twice a day even if your gums are tender or slightly bleed.
Follow all home care instructions given by your dental hygienist. The most important part of periodontal disease treatment is to keep your recall appointments as directed. This is what insures the success of your treatment.
After having fillings placed, you may experience some sensitivity for a few days after the procedure. You may also notice your bite needs some adjustments. We do our best to make sure your bite is adjusted properly before you leave, but sometimes when a patient is very numb from the anesthetic it is hard for the patient to bite down as they would normally.
- If you notice a difference in your bite after having fillings, please call us.
Root Canal
Most people will feel much better after having a root canal done than they did with the toothache, but it will take a few days to feel one hundred percent better. Your tooth will be sore for a few days and should get better and better every day.
- Don’t forget to get a crown placed on your root canal tooth if your dentist recommended it. Most teeth with a root canal will last much longer with the support of a crown.
Partial or Full Dentures
You will definitely go through an adjustment period. When you begin wearing a new denture or partial, it is normal to get an occasional sore spot. If this happens, call our office, and we will make you an appointment for an adjustment. Most of the time, a short appointment, will alleviate any uncomfortable area your denture is causing.
If you had teeth removed the same day as you received your denture or partial please follow the instructions below:
- Do not remove your denture for 24 hours except to rinse the denture every couple of hours.
- The second day you may start salt water rinses.
- Make sure to brush your denture daily.
- As yours gums heal, they will shrink and your denture will become loose. After six months, you will need to return to have your denture relined.