Permanent adult teeth need regular dental care to sustain a healthy smile and cosmetic procedures can provide long-term solutions to a variety of dental issues.
Healthy dental habits learned throughout childhood can be sustained into adulthood with a comprehensive oral hygiene routine. Permanent teeth are more likely to remain healthy with daily brushing, a healthy diet, and regular examinations during dental visits which are offered at Arkansas Family Dental, your home for convenient family dental services in Little Rock.
Maintaining Oral Health with Permanent Adult Teeth
The goal during adulthood is to keep teeth and gums disease-free. Brushing and flossing your teeth twice a day keeps plaque under control, which is an especially important habit as you age because of the health risks associated with cavities and periodontal disease. The bacteria that contribute to gum disease have been recognized as possible contributors to strokes and heart disease, according to separate reports published by the American Heart Association and the American Academy of Periodontology. To keep teeth strong and health issues to a minimum, consume a low-acid diet that is rich in calcium and low in sugar.
Removing Wisdom Teeth
Wisdom teeth usually erupt during the late teens and early 20s and, in most cases, will be removed between the ages of 18 and 24 when about two-thirds of the root has formed. The younger end of the adult age range is preferable, as there is less chance of complication when the root is still small. When there isn’t enough room for wisdom teeth to break through along the gum line, they either stay beneath the gums and cause pain, or partially emerge, allowing a flap of gum tissue to grow over the tooth. This makes the tooth difficult to keep clean and prone to problems like decay or infection. It is best to take any consistent gum pain as a warning sign and consult with your dentist to see if removal of your wisdom teeth is recommended.
Considering Cosmetic Procedures
At some point in their adult lives, many people encounter dental problems that they may want to resolve with a cosmetic procedure. At Arkansas Family Dental, we offer cosmetic services for adults that provide long-term solutions for giving you a healthy smile:
- Dental implants are a permanent solution for replacing broken, infected, or missing teeth that will last a lifetime. The procedure can permanently anchor one false tooth, a bridge, or a set of teeth through surgical attachment to the jaw bone, allowing the implant to blend in with your other permanent teeth.
- Professional teeth whitening may be the answer for teeth that have yellowed due to age, or have stained from consuming foods like coffee, cola, or berries. Your dentist can give you long-lasting, safe whitening results with a professional treatment like the Zoom whitening system to whiten teeth multiple shades in one dentist’s visit.
- Veneers are effective for hiding broken or chipped teeth and improving the look of discolored teeth. They are made of either resin or porcelain, and are custom-fitted and bonded over teeth to improve their appearance. With proper care, veneers will last up to ten years, so speak with your dentist to see if your teeth are suitable for this procedure.
Continue with an oral hygiene routine at home, along with regular dental visits throughout your adult years. It is during these appointments that your dentist can monitor any potential warning signs of gum disease or cavities and advise you about cosmetic procedures. For a long-lasting, healthy adult smile, schedule an appointment with Arkansas Family Dental and take advantage of our convenient family dental services in Little Rock.
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